Wednesday 5 October 2011

The Vibrators we keep and the men who hate them.

I was speaking with a customer the other day.  She mentioned during our conversation that she was working on getting her husband used to the idea of sex toys in the house.  My first reaction was not very professional and she’s a sister so I really didn’t need to filter.  This is a good thing because I really don’t have a filter.
So now my first rant I mean blog is about this very topic.  Really has the women’s sex movement hit a road block.  How is it possible that we still have to hide our sex toys in the dark dirty part of our closets.  Didn’t  Sex in the City take care of this problem for us.  How is it possible that this statement could still be spoken.
Do our partners still believe that from the first moment we had sex with them that we are never going to think of another man again.  You all saw Gerrard Butler in 300 so did they.  Some of them may have handed us a tissue to wipe off the drool.  I’m pretty sure mine  Not to mention it would be crazy for us to think they would only ever think of us again. 
So why is it that we still have to take the time to get them used to the idea.  Do they have any idea how much fun it can be to use them together?  Are they really going to play the “I will not be out performed by a vibrator” card.
I say screw em!!!! Take your vibrator out of your “happy box” and leave it on the night stand. Please don’t do this if you have children in the house.  Seriously Auntie Diva is not willing to come and   Hell start a parade up Main St if that’s your thing.  But don’t be ashamed of your own need for orgasm with or without him
Being responsible for our own orgasm is in no way bashing their love making abilities.  It is simply our right as women to love ourselves.

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